Madison County Board of Commissioner candidate Tony Ponder shares why he’s running

MARSHALL – After the filing period for the November 2024 county elections closed Dec. 15, the current Madison County Board of Commissioners chair and vice chair will be challenged by two newcomers.

Chair Matt Wechtel and Vice Chair Michael Garrison, both Republicans, have filed for candidacy, along with Tony Ponder, a Republican, and Judy Major and Barbara Zimmerman, both Democrats.

The five candidates will vie for two commissioner seats.

Ponder was the only candidate who The News-Record & Sentinel did not hear from before press time on its original story in which the candidates discussed their reasons for running.

Ponder, who lives in Mars Hill, did submit an emailed response after the publication, and his answers are below.

According to Ponder, his top priority if elected is a new courthouse.

“I believe that it should house courtrooms, clerk of court, register of deeds, and county commissioners only. Why waste taxpayer money on our present, old, dilapidated courthouse?”

The county was issued $3.8 million for construction of a new courthouse/repairs to its existing courthouse, which was built in 1907 and has been operational since 1908, making it one of the oldest in the state.

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