UNC-Chapel Hill collaborating with Buncombe County to address affordable housing needs in North Carolina

Press release from UNC Chapel Hill:

he University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Carolina Across 100 initiative announced on Wednesday 14 community teams across North Carolina have been selected for the Our State, Our Homes program. The University will work with community teams to improve access to and availability of affordable housing options in the state. The teams – made up of business, civic, education, nonprofit, faith-based and government entities representing 22 counties from the mountains to the coast – will receive a variety of supports, all aimed at connecting their communities with the tools and resources needed to assess and make collaborative decisions on how to respond productively to local affordable housing contexts.

The statewide program is offered in recognition of the growing challenges with housing affordability across the state. Nearly one-third of households in North Carolina are considered cost-burdened, meaning that they spend more than 30% of their income on housing. This lack of affordable housing options poses a barrier to attracting employers and workers, limits households’ economic positions, and adversely impacts health outcomes…

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