THURSDAY’S WEATHER Warm afternoon with rain expected tonight

It’s not as cold in metro Atlanta on Thursday morning as it’s been the past several days, and we’re headed for a 70-degree high this afternoon.

Temperatures are in the 40s ahead of sunrise compared to the 20s and 30s from days past. That’s thanks to a few more clouds that filtered in overnight.

“Kind of like a blanket, those clouds keep our temperatures a little milder,” Channel 2 Action News meteorologist Brian Monahan said. “Still need that jacket this morning, but maybe the lighter-weight jacket.”

Our average high for this time of year is 60 degrees, so we will be well above that this afternoon. And while more clouds will be around, we should avoid any rain until the overnight hours when a cold front pushes some showers across the area.

But, “by Friday morning, the rain has moved out, the sky is clearing again and gust winds coming in behind that front,” chief meteorologist Brad Nitz said.

While it may not be raining in your neighborhood Friday morning, the pavement will likely be wet for the drive to work or school, so use extra caution on the roads.

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