A Strange Light was Seen in the Sky -Decatur, GA on Oct. 7 @ 7 PM

Coined Shaped” Object Baffles Local Residents

A mysterious aerial phenomenon has left residents of Decatur, Georgia, scratching their heads and reaching for their cameras.

A recent UFO sighting has captivated the attention of locals and UFO enthusiasts alike. On October 7, 2024, eight observers reported a peculiar, circular object hovering above their neighborhood. The object, described as “coined shaped” and larger than any known aircraft, exhibited unusual flight patterns and seemed to be actively scanning the area.

“I’ve seen airplanes, helicopters, and even drones before, but this thing was different. It was hovering at an incredible altitude, and it seemed to be looking right at us.” ~ Eye witness to the occurance

The sighting reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) under case number 183360, has sparked speculation and debate. Some believe it could be a new military aircraft, while others are convinced it’s evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Disclaimer: It’s important to note that while UFO sightings can be fascinating and mysterious, they are often difficult to verify. Many can be explained by natural phenomena, misidentified aircraft, or even hoaxes. Until further evidence is available, it’s best to approach such reports with a healthy dose of skepticism.

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