Dozens of people are out thousands of dollars, and they blame a woman running companies in metro Atlanta.
Channel 2 investigative reporter Sophia Choi spent weeks looking into the woman and the charges against her.
Choi first started investigating Angela Hasan after getting calls from people who were getting evicted after joining a program called Hasan 2nd Chance.
It turned out this was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to complaints against her.
“A mother of thieves,” said Chris Atkins.
“I literally wanted to wring her neck, said Angela Harris.
“She lied,” said Cheryl Henderson.
These are just some of the people who said Angela Hasan is a skilled talker.
Some lost their homes, others their livelihood.
They all said she took their money to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.
“Oh, she probably got me out $100,000 plus,” Pastor James Hunter said.
He met Hasan through his ministry when she started showing up at his Gwinnett County church.
Within months, the pastor said she not only had his money but some of his parishioners’ money too.