Man constructed a device and used it to bIow up the home of a woman who he briefly dated, then planned to release a large animal to eat her daughter; sentenced

Georgia – A Georgia man was ordered to serve two decades in federal prison after pleading guilty to charges related to a malicious campaign against a woman, which included detonating an expIosive device at her residence. The woman and her child were, in fact, home at the time, but were able to escape the incident with their lives. The defendant’s accomplice, CaIeb, was apprehended in Louisiana on unrelated charges and awaits prosecution in Georgia.

The investigation began in January 2023 when emergency services responded to an explosion at a home in Georgia. The blast caused significant damage to the property, though the occupants, a woman and her child, were unharmed. Authorities quickly identified the perpetrator, who had met the victim through a dating app but did not have a subsequent relationship with her. Motivated by personal grievances, he orchestrated a series of escalating attacks designed to terrorize the victim.

In December 2022, the defendant, 38-year-old S. GIosser, began surveilling the victim, using internet searches and electronic communications to locate her residence, based on an image the victim had previously shared with him. He meticulously planned various methods to harass and intimidate her. He shot arrows into her front door, mailed dog f-ces and dead rats to her home, and released a large python into her residence with the intent to eat her child. Ultimately, he constructed and detonated an explosive device at her home…

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