Georgia voters to decide 2026 constitutional amendment to increase acreage limit for conservation use property tax classification

Georgia voters will decide in 2026 on a constitutional amendment to increase the maximum acreage of agricultural and timber property that can be classified as bona fide conservation use property. Under the amendment, the maximum acreage would be increased from 2,000 acres to 4,000 acres.

Bona fide conservation use property, under the state’s Conservation Use Valuation Assessment (CUVA), is taxed at 40% of the land’s value rather than market value based on current use, annual productivity, and real property sales data. Property owners must enter into a covenant to maintain conservation use for at least 10 years. A breach of the covenant would result in the recapture of tax savings and other penalties.

CUVA was established following voter approval of a constitutional amendment in 1990. It was approved with 62% of voters in favor and 38% opposed. If voters approve the measure, it would be the first acreage limit increase since the program was established…

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