Augusta Boxing Club recognized as a Georgia Historical Site

The Augusta Boxing Club has a long tradition as being a place for at-risk youth to learn sportsmanship and for producing outstanding boxers. Now the Georgia Historical Society has named the club’s Walton Way gym a Georgia Historical Site.

Ray “Stingray” Whitfield, a professional boxer who got his start at the club and is now its director, and Lenny Pulley, chairman of the club’s board of directors, made the announcement at a recent Augusta Commission meeting.

A marker will be placed in front of the club at 1929 Walton Way. Pulley told commissioners he would like the city to be one of sponsors listed on the marker. The other listed sponsor is FPL Foods, which he said which has provided food for the club for many years.

“We thought it would be appropriate for the city to be on the plaque as well because of the relationship the boxing club has had with city over numerous years,” Pulley said.

The club is paying for the $2,400 marker and upkeep so there is no cost to the city.

According to the club’s website, it was started in 1976 by Tom Moraetes, who was a probation officer for Augusta’s juvenile court. He started the club in his garage. In 2011, the club moved to the Augusta Parks and Recreation Department and now is a nonprofit organization.

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