Expediting work permits for asylum seekers: Denver’s proclamation

A Denver City Council committee will consider Tuesday issuing a proclamation in support of expediting the work authorization process for asylum seekers.

Approximately 38,000 migrants have passed through Denver since last September, according to the city’s online dashboard tracking migrants. While most received a ticket to another city, Denver still is sheltering about 4,500 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, according to the dashboard. The cost of feeding and sheltering the migrants is expected to be $180 million in 2024, Mayor Mike Johnston has said, forcing all city departments to consider budget cuts.

The Finance and Governance Committee will discuss the proclamation Tuesday. “Individuals who are seeking asylum in the United States are subject to a 150-day waiting period after submitting their asylum claim to apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) (also referred to as a work permit),” the proclamation explains. “During this waiting period, many asylum seekers must rely on counties and nonprofits within their communities to provide their basic needs as they are legally unable to work.”

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