Girl Scouts of Colorado offers 1st bilingual patch program

DENVER (KDVR) – About 120 girls gathered at the Girl Scout DreamLab in Denver on Saturday to learn how to turn their passions into ways to make money, and they could learn in English or Spanish.

Girl Scouts of Colorado and First Bank have come together to create the first bilingual patch program.

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“We’re going to learn how to use our passions and what we love to help generate money and get jobs and be able to manage our own money in the future,” said 10 th grader Allison Estrada, who is bilingual.

“A lot of patches we do translate into Spanish, but I think this is the first time we’ve ever had an event where it is both in English and in Spanish at the same time,” Estrada said.

Leanna Clark, the CEO of Girl Scouts of Colorado, said this event was special.

“From the ground up, we really had an eye to both languages, both cultures, and that’s thanks to the partnership with US Bank,” Clark said.

There are about 16,000 Girl Scout members in Colorado, and the goal is to keep growing.

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