Denver Jews speak out against Denver’s Israel War ceasefire proclamation

Several Jewish Denverites, some representing organizations, asked the City Council Monday not to weigh in with a proclamation calling for a ceasefire of the war in Israel.

Alex Grossman chided the council for considering the proclamation, which will be discussed Tuesday during the Finance and Governance Committee. “You have the audacity to proclaim how a sovereign state of the world thousands of miles away should defend itself against a terrorist attack on their soil,” Grossman said, adding that Hamas “wants every Jew dead.” He said a ceasefire only benefits Hamas, which can use the time to re-arm and regroup. “Who do you think you are, to think you have a seat the table. You don’t. No one cares.”

Grossman said the proclamation would have no impact on the war in Israel. He said the proclamation smells of “bigotry” and “the path of least resistance and you are all, well, you know.” He then shouted at the council. “Do your job council! Shame on you! Shame on all of you!”

Matt Most advised the council not to wade into the debate, explaining the war in Isarel is extremely complicated and contentious. He said for Israel not to address eliminating Hamas, which has violated previous ceasefires, is to live in fear. Most said proclamations in other cities have inadvertently invited anti-Jewish rhetoric at meetings.

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