Opinion: Mice still prevalent at Fusion Studios homeless hotel in Denver, blasting music ebbs

Problems with my neighbor blasting his music ebbed this weekend at Fusion Studios homeless hotel on Quebec, but the rodent infestation appears to be getting worse.

The disagreement with my neighbor reached a boiling point Friday when he began blasting “Sweet child of mine” about 3 p.m. I went upstairs and reported the nuisance to property management, who went to my neighbor’s room and knocked. He did not answer the door (he never does, not even for police) but he turned his music down.

A short time later I was downstairs by the case managers’ office. My neighbor came walking past right about the same time one of the property managers was walking out the front door. My neighbor saw me and called me “crazy.” The assistant property manager interjected and told him the walls are thin and he needs to keep his music down.

Neighbor implies rules don’t apply to him

“I’m a veteran and a Native American, and I’ve lived here three years,” my neighbor protested. I should have responded, “I’m gay and a journalist” and that I also have lived at Fusion more than three years. I actually have Native American in my genes, too, on my mother’s side of the family.

Story continues