A street vendor in Denver is determined to survive.
Jose Frausto has been making a living by selling Mexican snacks. One cold day in January, a woman was moved by Frausto’s drive to sell even in the freezing temps.
This the reality for many undocumented individuals who come to the U.S. and look to make money while waiting for residency. For some it takes decades to receive status, but Frausto has found a way to survive. He sells corn in a cup and pre-packaged snacks like chips and chicharrónes chips.
“Even if there is snow, the people here see me selling, people have taken photos of me pushing my cart in the snow,” said Frausto.
Two decades ago, he came to the U.S. in search of a better life, but he hasn’t been able to fix his papers and is still waiting.
“What can I ask the government for? If I entered the U.S. illegally,” said Frausto.
Which is why he began to sell snacks for a living.
During a chilly night in January while at La Taqueria “Los Gallitos” in Denver, Perez was touched after seeing Frausto selling in the cold.