Pick up after your dog!
A dog let out of its crate by their owner left a smelly mess on a United Airlines flight that forced unlucky passengers to suffer onboard the aircraft, WGN-TV reported.
Travelers who departed from Portland en route to Denver claimed a woman’s fussy chihuahua was behind the chaos when she let the small pup out of their crate at some point during the flight Monday,
One man, who identified himself only as Nick, recounted passengers were hit with a nasty “poop smell” that forced one pregnant lady sitting directly behind the madness to hit the call button for flight attendant assistance.
Looking around to see where the unbearable smell was coming from, Nick says he and the pregnant lady, seated in the back of the plane, immediately spotted the stinky dog out of the crate.
“I turned on my phone light, and that’s when I realized the dog was out. And we were debating was it her [the owner] or was it the dog,” Nick said.
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