They’re finally cleaning up the homeless hotel where I have lived for more than three years, Fusion Studios.
We all received notices on our doors today that staff will be entering our apartments and disposing of trash within the next 24 hours. You can even request a sharps container for your used needles. “We will be providing every unit with a trash can to dispose of their ongoing trash so that all residents may have a place to dispose of their trash going forward,” reads the letter from property management. “Please let property or case management staff know I your household would like a needle disposal container aka a “sharps container.’”
It’s sad that this has to happen. But it has to happen.
There are units in this building that are so filthy it is mind-boggling. It’s like the encampments on the street simply brought indoors. This is not everyone, not by any means. Many units, like mine, are spotless. But the ones who have immersed themselves in filth have now created a public health hazard for all of us.