RTD Board of Directors seeks to extend TABOR exemptions

Bypassing TABOR is on the agenda for the Regional Transportation District via a resolution adopted by the transit system’s board of directors.

The board submitted a ballot question that would free RTD from future revenue limitations of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights — again.

If voters approve in November, the proposed ballot question would “extend the current voter authorization for RTD to retain and spend all revenue without further voter approval,” officials said in a news release.

RTD officials said it has spent $5.5 billion on rail projects since 2004. For every $1 invested in transit infrastructure, RTD said there is a $4 dollar return over 20 years. RTD also said it has created 15,000 direct full-time jobs since 2005.

“Putting the TABOR question to qualified voters makes sense. Agency polling indicated a strong level of support, with 68% of respondents agreeing that they would support a ballot measure on this topic,” said Erik Davidson, chair of the RTD Board of Directors, in a news release. “If approved, such a measure would enable RTD to retain revenue needed to continue providing the public with a level of service it expects to receive.”

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