Opinion: Mayors in Aurora, Denver do their homework on homelessness

I met with Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman Wednesday for lunch. It’s the second time we have lunched together this year.

Coffman wanted to hear my thoughts on plans the city has for a homeless navigation campus. The city recently bought a hotel that they intend to transform into a homeless campus. Unlike other homeless hotels, guests will be classified and located in the hotel based on whether they are receiving case management, employment assistance and substance abuse and mental health treatment. People receiving services would receive better accommodations such as semi-private rooms and be placed on floors separate from those not ready to engage with case workers, Coffman said.

I think this is a wonderful idea. As someone who was assaulted Tuesday in the homeless hotel where I live, Fusion Studios, I believe that those suffering from disruptive mental health and substance abuse disorders should be separated from those trying to improve their quality of life. People trying to rebuild their lives should not be subjected to trauma and violence, which unfortunately is pervasive at homeless hotels where residents are not required to participate in substance abuse or mental health treatment.

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