Denver drug users, advocates decry overdose, ask for injection center

Former drug users and advocates for people who use drugs asked the Denver City Council Monday to act and open a safe injection center for drug users.

Several people spoke during the public comment period. The council adopted a proclamation supporting drug users later in the meeting. Kevin Flynn was absent.

Flynn said he did not attend the meeeting so he would not have to vote against the proclamation. “I had an irreconcilable conflict with one of the statements in the proclamation, which would have prevented me from voting ‘aye’ on it. One of the sections asserted the council’s ‘prioritizing… overdose prevention sites.’ I do not support this failed policy. If those three words were not in the proclamation, I would have attended the meeting and voted aye. But I could not vote aye in supporting something I firmly oppose, not could I dishonor the memory of so many precious lives lost to drug overdose, something I mourn and grieve as part of our community, by voting nay. Instead, I chose to leave the meeting after the 3:30 session and not attend the later session.”

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