Lakewood residents want closed Colorado school for sale to be a park

One of Jefferson County’s closed schools is on the open market and those living nearby are fighting to keep the property as open space or even a park.

Residents around the now-shuttered Vivian Elementary School worry with more development comes more traffic and more safety risks and say the donated property should remain as a community hub.

It comes roughly one year after parents lost an effort to keep the doors open for students at the school.

“This is a gem you don’t just bulldoze you can’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot this is perfect just leave it be,” Toby Crisp said.

Even after the school closed, neighbors, some new to the area, assumed their kids would attend Vivian.

“We thought that our kids would maybe end up here for elementary school,” Dana Schmitt said.

Others, who’ve called it home for decades, continued to show up.

“The other side is a playground,” Gary George added. “The kids come and play.”

For months, they’ve been working together to tell the school district and city officials this open space is worth saving.

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