Downtown Denver CEO wants answers after Wynkoop shooting

The CEO of a software company who lives in downtown Denver wants to know what city officials plan to do to make the city safer.

Patrick Dennis, CEO of Venafi, referenced a shooting last week at 16th and Wynkoop. He made his remarks during public comment period Monday at the Denver City Council meeting.

According to police, three people were injured in the Wynkoop shooting. Dennis said members of his family including his wife and son pass through that intersection several times daily. He lives just a few blocks away on 19th Street, he said.

‘A shootout in broad daylight’

“This was a shootout in broad daylight at a train station,” Dennis said. “This was not two in the morning at Whiskey Row, and it wasn’t following a nuggets game. I want to know when we’re going to have a public meeting to discuss this very serious matter if it isn’t going to be here.”

The council does not respond to comments made during public input sessions to maximize more time for residents to speak.

Conference brought in 2,000 people

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