Wyoming’s Frank Crum, a third-generation Cowboy, was born for Broncos Country Paul Klee

He’s an antelope hunter who’s been known to roam Medicine Bow Peak. Grandpa and Dad both played college ball at the War in Laramie. Favorite colors? Easy — brown and gold.

Meet Frank Crum, a Broncos offensive lineman who’s a Wyoming man through and through.

“Fishing’s a little easier. We do it in the summer,” Crum tells me, shortly after making the cut and Sean Payton’s 53-man roster as an undrafted Poke. “Hunting’s during football season.

“I miss going hunting. But I love football, so….”

You won’t see Crum and his flowing, golden locks on the field when the Broncos open the season Sunday at Seattle’s Lumen Field against the Seahawks. The rookie will be inactive.

But as someone who believes Wyoming is a step closer to heaven, I must say: it’s a huge deal when Wyoming puts one of its own on a Broncos roster. Denver’s drafted only four Pokes ever.

And the state of Wyoming is diehard Broncos Country.

Wyoming has 11 players on NFL rosters to open the season, according to 7220Sports.com. That’s more than Colorado, Colorado State or Air Force, which has former Falcons star Jordan Jackson on the Broncos’ defensive line. Heads up, Alabama. Wyoming’s churning them out.

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