More than 1 in 4 Colorado youngsters have received a suggestive text, report says

More than one in four Colorado children have received a suggestive text, and more than one in five has sent one, according to a report by Manhattan Mental Health Counseling.

The report uses data from the Cyberbullying Research Center and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to find the most dangerous states for children online, according to a statement from Manhattan Mental Health. “The study gathered data on five main factors across all 50 states. The data for each state was scaled, weighted, and totaled to produce the final ranking for this study. The impact of each factor was assessed, and a different numerical weight was assigned accordingly to determine what makes a state dangerous for kids online.”

The report considers five data points with equal weight to determine a final score. The data points are:

Percentage of children who have been cyberbullied.

Percentage of children who cyberbully others.

Percentage of children who have sent a suggestive text.

Percentage of children who have received a suggestive text.

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