EDITORIAL: More churches should help house the poor

It is past time to rethink solutions to Colorado’s always worsening homeless and affordable housing crises. Organized religion may be the answer.

Any informed person of any age has watched local, state and federal governments try in futility to resolve homelessness and the country’s dearth of homes that the young, poor and otherwise less fortunate among us can afford.

While a few say “tough bounce” to the homeless, most Americans have too much compassion to dismiss the problem. Children comprise more than 16% of Coloradans experiencing homelessness, and one cannot blame them for their plight.

Since 1980, funding for the federal Housing and Urban Development agency has increased by 320% in inflation adjusted dollars, yet homelessness has increased and the supply of “affordable housing” has not kept up.

Former two-term Denver Mayor and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper pledged to end homelessness 22 years ago, but it increased dramatically during his terms as mayor, governor and U.S. senator.

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