ACLU of Colorado ‘investigating’ Aurora PD’s response to Edge of Lowry incident

AURORA, Colo. — The ACLU of Colorado said it is investigating law enforcement’s response to a reported home invasion and kidnapping at a troubled Aurora apartment complex last month.

The crime happened at the Edge of Lowry apartments in Aurora just before 8:45 p.m. on Dec. 16. During a press conference, Aurora Police Chief Todd Chamberlain said two people – a man and a woman – were accosted by approximately 13 to 15 armed individuals before they were kidnapped and taken to a different unit within the same building.

There, Chamberlain said, the victims were “actually bound. They were pistol-whipped. They were beat. They were victimized. They were terrorized.”

The victims were not only kidnapped but their home was burglarized and taken over by some of the suspects in the group, Chamberlain added.

  • Hear from the two victims, who spoke exclusively to Denver7, in the video player below

‘I thought I was going to die’: Victims recount violent kidnapping by alleged TdA members in Aurora

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