Austin to Astana: Teens give back to orphanages they were adopted from

AUSTIN (KXAN) — When Skylar and Griffin Moore were brainstorming ideas for their Eagle Scout project, they decided to go back to their roots and donate resources to the baby houses, or orphanages, they were adopted from in Kazakhstan.

“We just wanted to provide them with stuff that the government didn’t always provide them with,” Skylar Moore, 15, said about their reasoning to tackle this project.

Skylar was adopted from a baby house in the nation’s capital of Astana, and Griffin was adopted from Petropavl in the northern part of the country.
Skylar, left, meets with one of the caregivers who took care of her (Photo Courtesy: Susan Moore).

The two visited their baby homes in 2019 with their mother, Susan, and got the chance to meet the caregivers and doctors who cared for them more than a decade ago.
Griffin, right, hugging the director of the baby house he was from in Petropavl (Photo Courtesy: Susan Moore).

They said the caregivers remembered exactly who they were and embraced them like family.

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