Texas UT University Ends Scholarships for Undocumented Students, Citing Diversity Ban Violate Law

University of Texas officials at Austin have ceased giving financial aid scholarship to undocumented students, citing both the state’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) prohibition and federal immigration legislation.

The scholarship, ranging in value from $500 to $1,000 and granted on an annual basis, formed an integral part of the Monarch Program. Monarch Program had been specifically designed to offer support and assistance to students without legal documentation.

However, effective January 1st, the entire program, including the scholarship, ceased to exist. The aforementioned development was initially reported by the publication known as The Daily Texan, a student newspaper.

“When I learned that they were taking away one of the very few scholarships for undocumented students, I was furious,” said Lupe, an undocumented junior at UT who asked to be identified only by her middle name because of her immigration status. “It makes a difference. You’re taking a very powerful tool away from us and it’s cruel.”

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