Texas Attorney General sues 5 cities for marijuana decriminalization

Five Texas cities, including Austin, San Marcos, Killeen, Elgin, and Denton, are to be sued by Attorney General Ken Paxton for the Decriminalization of Marijuana custody.

Voters in five cities ratified policies ending arrests and citations for custody of fewer than 4 ounces of marijuana. The initiative led by Ground Game Texas, an advanced group that first floated the proposal in Austin, has partnered with local organizations in four other cities to push similar policies to the ballot.

Paxton let out in a news release Wednesday that the cities are violating state laws and the Texas Constitution regarding the custody and distribution of marijuana, making it illegal for local governments to pass ordinances that conflict with laws passed by the Texas Legislature.

The rule received excellent support. Austin received 85% approval. In San Marcos, about 82 percent of the vote was in favor. Elgin followed with nearly 75 percent of the vote. About 71 percent voted in favor of Denton, which has two universities. Killeen received almost 70% backing.

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