Republican hypocrisy, Abbott’s showboating: Readers have a say

The laws and the Constitution apply only

when they are in the favor of Republicans

Ken Paxton is going after Austin and other Texas cities where voters overwhelmingly chose not to enforce draconian anti-marijuana laws, saying state rules overrule local preferences, yet Texas is ignoring federal laws on border control despite a Supreme Court decision that told Texas to back off.

So, the laws and the Constitution apply when they go in the GOP’s favor but not when they don’t. Trumpism at its worst.

Rona Distenfeld, Austin

We won’t be taken for fools again if

we vote against Republicans at election

Republicans are counting on voters being both ignorant and stupid. After blocking congressional action on immigration for the past three years, they are blaming Biden for not doing enough. Worse, they are trying to impeach the Homeland Security director for “not doing his job.”

If that is the standard, every Republican in Congress should be impeached. And Gov. Abbott rationalizes ignoring the Supreme Court because Texas is being “invaded.” I cannot come up with one other case of an invasion being dealt with by shipping the invaders to another state. The only way to prove to Republicans that we are not fools is to vote against them across the board this fall.

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