Austin nonprofit hosts ‘sleep out’ to stand in solidarity with unhoused

AUSTIN (KXAN) – Antony Jackson said he experienced homelessness at two points in his life. He said he transitioned out by holding onto faith, praying and having confidence.

“I [kept] myself up, just taking it day by day,” Jackson said. “Eventually, I ended up getting a job, saving enough to get an apartment, things like that.”

Now, he wants to show solidarity for those still experiencing homelessness. On Sunday, Jackson’s organization We Can Now hosted a sleep-out event, where he and volunteers will stay overnight in an east Austin encampment to drum up awareness and stand in solidarity with Austin’s unhoused.

“We’re going to be out here sleeping from 4 p.m. today till 6 a.m. tomorrow,” Jackson said. “That’s important because we just want to stand in solidarity with them, let them know that there are people in the community that really care.”

“We want to show the community and give them an up-close look at what it’s like to be human and sleeping outside in these conditions,” he continued. “So they can just get a little more understanding about what it’s like to endure being homeless.”

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