Security Officer in Texas Quits After Supervisor Calls ‘Every Bit’ Of Attack His Fault

And a news crew captured the whole thing.

An Austin, Texas, security officer was seen on video being attacked while on duty, a situation that prompted him to publicly quit his job after his supervisor said “every bit” of it was fault.

What started as a normal evening shift with Priebe Security for Percy Payne quickly took a turn for the worse when two men, Hispanic males believed to be between ages 17 and 20, were shown on surveillance video attempting to break into his personal vehicle at an office building.

After approaching the men, whom he noted were both on electric scooters, Payne said the suspects fled. However, when he followed and attempted to detain them, things got violent

“A young individual tried to run me over with his scooter multiple times,” the Austin security officer told FOX 7 Austin. “And then that’s when they started to assault.” He added that one of the men had a screwdriver in his pocket. Once he realized they were going to try to stab him, he ran to call 911.

Payne got a dispatcher on the line. After declining medical attention from EMS, he said the woman informed him that officers would not be dispatched to the location.

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