July bird forecast

TEXAS — Here’s the Central Texas bird forecast for the month, courtesy of Travis Audubon. Learn more about Central Texas birds and bird-related events for all ages at travisaudubon.org or by calling 512-300-BIRD. Follow Travis Audubon on Facebook .

It would be fun if we had a single bird species that sported all three colors of the American flag, but we don’t. However, there are some birds that wear patriotic colors, and two of them might even be present at the many neighborhood Fourth of July parades. Keep your eyes open for bright red male Northern Cardinals and bright blue and white Blue Jays. You’ll have to look a little farther afield to spot the Great Egret and the Snowy Egret, two wading birds with all-white plumage.

Male Northern Cardinal
COURTESY: James Giroux

The year-round Northern Cardinal is found all over Austin in our parks, greenbelts and backyards. The male likes to sing from conspicuous song perches, while the female builds their nest. Cardinals really like dense and/or berrying native shrubs. Consider planting a Texas mountain laurel, yaupon or possumhaw holly later this fall to attract them to your yard, or close by greenbelt or park. At this time of the year, it is likely that cardinal pairs are busy raising their second broods.

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