10 of the Best and Worst U.S. Capital Cities, According to Americans

State capitals are supposed to be the heart of important political decisions, business hubs, and education centers. You’d think they would represent the very best of what each state has to offer, right? But in reality, every capital has its ups and downs. Some are fantastic places to live, while others have their fair share of issues.

I was born and raised in the United States and have a college degree, but if you ask me to name all fifty state capitals right now, I probably won’t get them all right (Does that say something about the quality of the American public school system? That would require an entirely separate article!). But there are a few that I will never forget, thanks to personal experiences, media portrayals, and, of course, some good old-fashioned hearsay.

So, what about your capital city? Is it one of the best, or does it fall into the “worst” category? A recent online discussion had people sharing their opinions, and they don’t hold back! Check out what folks are saying, and see if you agree.

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