Laptops Stolen from Texas DA’s Office in Burglary

One Texas man was in court recently on a burglary charge, after he finished his day in court it’s alleged that he found his way into the Travis County District Attorney’s Office where he stole 9 laptops.

According to KXAN, law enforcement investigators believe that 31-year-old Austin Wayne Mullins is responsible for the stolen electronics, and they have some video footage to confirm their suspicions.

When Did the Burglary Happen at the Texas District Attorney’s Office?

On Thursday, February 27th, an employee with the office told a courthouse deputy the office had been burglarized with 9 laptops being taken for a total of $14,550.75.

The charge for this is a state-jail felony, this means it’s the lowest-level felony charge.

How Did Police Identify Mullins as the Suspect?

Mullins is seen walking around in an alley behind the DA’s office, before approaching a dock door that should be locked for everyone except four employees who have keys for that specific door…

Story continues