Texas DPS Watching for These Traffic Infractions Now

Last year in Texas during the weeks of Spring Break to Easter there were more than 52,793 citations and warnings issued by Texas Department of Public Safety officers.

This year, Texas Highway Patrol has already started to increase patrols, and Texas DPS will do the same as part of Operation Care (Crash Awareness and Reduction Effort) which will run through March 17 th .

Break Down of Violations Last Year

We can all agree that over 52,793 infractions is a lot within a couple weeks.

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When you break down the numbers it includes 16,360 speeding violations, 1,277 seat belt violations, 2,149 instances of drivers not having insurance, and 463 felony and fugitive arrests.

Safety Tips to Avoid Getting a Ticket in Texas

Law enforcement officers in Texas will be extra vigilant in the coming weeks especially as students enjoy Spring Break, plus the weather is getting nicer.

Here are some tips from Texas DPS so that you avoid committing an infraction that could end up with you paying for a ticket.

Texas Law Enforcement Doesn’t Want to Give You a Ticket

If you ask any law enforcement officer in Texas, they will tell you that they don’t want to give you a ticket after noticing a violation…

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