California Woman Buys 3 Sicilian Houses For $3.30 As Italy Hopes To Repopulate Its Ghost Towns

California Woman Buys 3 Sicilian Houses For $3.30 As Italy Hopes To Repopulate Its Ghost Towns

When Rubia Daniels, a resident of California, learnt about Italy’s cheap houses, she was both amazed and curious. She got so excited that she decided to go there “to see it to make sure it was true,” Business Insider reported.

By the end of her 10-day trip to Mussomeli, a remote town in Sicily, her heart was brimming with joy as she had bought three homes for €1, or $1.10, each.

Daniels had moved to California over three decades ago from Brasilia, Brazil, and told the publication that these houses reminded her of her childhood home.

“People were super welcoming and everyone wanted to have a coffee with me. The realtors embraced me like a sister — they were with me every single day through the time I was there,” Daniels said.

A Perfect Plan to Remodel History

The houses are beautiful but not shiny. These houses often come with a large list of requirements to make them livable. People like Rubia make the choice of investing in remodeling rather than investing in a ready-to-move home. The money one puts in has a purpose and is still relatively low compared to other countries, as reported by The Independent.

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