Demonstration to demand Congress support Social Security administration scheduled for Tuesday

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Social Security was created 89 years ago and to celebrate that day, a non-disruptive demonstration takes place outside of Congressman David Valadao’s Bakersfield office on Tuesday.

American Federation of Government Employees Council 220 and the California Alliance for Retired Americans plan to demonstrate outside Rep. Valadao’s office, located at 2700 M. St., at 11 a.m.

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Many members of Congress have suggested cutting Social Security benefits or raising the retirement age to fix the problem, according to a press release from American Federation of Government Employees Council 220 and the California Alliance for Retired Americans.

At the same time, budget cuts have reduced the number of employees in the Social Security Administration to help current and future beneficiaries, according to the press release.

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Those who plan to demonstrate want Congress to increase funding to support SSA workers to provide appropriate staffing to help those who receive Social Security.

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