How to keep safe during earthquakes and aftershocks

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET)– Experts around Bakersfield are calling for more preparedness and safety against this earthquake’s aftershocks, and for future quakes to come. The earthquake Tuesday shook miles of central California , but there are still ways to keep yourself safe when quakes happen.

Cindy Huge is a volunteer for the Kern chapter of the American Red Cross, she gave earthquake safety tips, “We tell people drop down, try to get undercover, under a sturdy table, protect your head and hold on until the shaking stops.”

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Huge and her husband both experienced the quake, “It was like a child bouncing on a couch, cause we kind of went up and down up and down, then we dropped to the floor, we got under, we have a large coffee table, protect ourselves and held on.”

CSUB geological science professor William Krugh says the aftershocks of this quake won’t be stopping anytime soon, “For the next week or so, there is probably a chance that they’re gonna continue, potentially have equal magnitude or potentially even a greater one but it’s pretty low.”

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