La Familia Conference brings confidence and a safe space for incoming freshmen

Students part of CSUB’s College Assistance Migrant Program had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers on their educational journeys. Gaining advice and confidence to start strong.

  • The college assistance migrant program or CAMP was created to help those with a familial background in fieldwork.
  • Since 2000, CSUB has been offering the College Assistance Migrant Program, or CAMP, to a maximum of 65 students every year.
  • This is the schools third annual La Familia Conference — a chance for CAMP students to hear from guest speakers about their journeys from school to career.

A chance to ask questions, gain insight, and feel better prepared to transition from high school to college. That’s exactly what happened in the Solario Room Friday afternoon. The annual La Familia conference is taking place. A place for students to learn and grow in confidence.

It was a party at CSUB, incoming freshmen having the opportunity to ease into the college transition all thanks to the College Assistance Migrant Program.

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