Change Community Church gives back to the youth of Bakersfield

Change Community Church held a city wide workshop for the youth of Bakersfield, at Mill Creek. They showed them a hand full of careers that they could work toward after high school.

  • Event for youth members of Bakersfield. (Ages 6-18)
  • Had careers from teaching, piloting, authors, writers, and activist.
  • Taught them about jobs that aren’t popularized while their young, so they can get a early start at the career field.

Change community church had a city wide youth workshop at Mill Creek Christian church. I’m Eric J. Dockery your Bakersfield neighborhood reporter. This event showed many youth members about multiple careers they can go into after high school.

Choosing a career path can be a difficult decision if you don’t know what’s out there, and what’s offered to you. Students constantly leave school and feel lost in the work force.

Dr. Gregory Tatum says “Brick layers, mechanics, plumbers, all these type of artisan jobs are slowly going away. Skill set jobs that are getting replaced by coding. We want our kids to understand you can still do those things in the past but innovate it. Young people now are making so much money on the internet leaning to do their own program.”

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