Helpful tips to keep your child focused for the upcoming school year

  • Build a quiet area for homework, allowing them to absorb all the information.
  • If your child needs extra help after hours with certain curriculum look into tutoring organizations.
  • Routines help your child gain confidence in their daily activities.

Students across Kern County are starting to jump back into school. I’m Eric J. Dockery, your Bakersfield neighborhood reporter. While kids settle back in, education specialists say it’s important to recognize your child’s needs, earlier than later… to optimize their learning.

“I’m so excited I’m always so happy to come back and see our students!”
It’s an exciting time for 8th grade teacher Sara Golightly. During this time, it’s also part of her job to recognize when a student needs extra help during the day or after school.

“There’s so many students who feel uncomfortable speaking out or they get embarrassed when they struggle so its really important to pay attention to those kids because it’s a lot more going on beneath the surface.” said Sara Golightly

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