Wasco staff, Flood Ministries provides resources to unhoused population

Wasco Code Compliance staff and Flood Ministries employees team up weekly to locate unhoused people in Wasco and try to make contact with them in an attempt to provide resources.

  • Following the breaking-up of the homeless encampment on the west side of Wasco, we wanted to see how resources are offered on a weekly basis to the unhoused population in Wasco.
  • 23ABC rode along with two Wasco Code Compliance Officers to learn how they work with Flood Ministries to offer the services.
  • According to staff from both entities, routinely they’ll be told by unhoused individuals that they do not want the resources for a litany of reasons, however staff still head out week after week to provide the options to anyone who needs them.


I’m Sam Hoyle, your Wasco Neighborhood reporter, you might remember our story from last week discussing the City of Wasco’s decision to disband the unhoused encampment on the west side of town.

In that story, we talked with two officials from the city who said on a weekly basis, code compliance and flood ministries staff are out pounding the pavement to offer resources to the unhoused population around the area. Wednesday, I tagged along with them.

Story continues