California State University students begin the year with budget cuts

California’s funding shortage is bad news for the California State University system, which kicks off its new academic year Monday in a $234 million deficit, mostly due to unfunded wage increases.

All 23 campuses are feeling the hit.

“Cal State LA is anticipating a $32.4 million deficit this year in our budget, which we are addressing through shared governance, conversations with students, faculty and staff,” said Cal State LA spokesperson Erik Hollins.

He said Cal State LA’s student headcount is down over 5% from the prior year and that’s led to a cut in class offerings of over 7%.

Some campuses are making cuts by leaving open positions unfilled.

“[Cal State Dominguez Hills] has taken steps to address our budget shortfall, which so far includes a 6% cut to operating budgets across all divisions as well as restrictions on hiring and non-essential travel for employees,” said CSU Dominguez Hills spokesperson Lilly McKibbin.

Top administrators warn that next year will be worse

CSU officials have warned campuses to brace themselves for more cuts — including reductions that will affect students directly — especially ift CSU campuses struggle to maintain and increase student enrollment.

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