City prepares to launch next phase of homeless response strategies

Since 2018, the City of Bakersfield has been implementing phases to address our chronic homeless crisis. As Governor Gavin Newsom signs new legislation to expand housing options, the City prepares to enter it’s fourth phase of an on-going plan focused on quality of life, housing, and behavioral health.

  • In order to try and reduce that inflow, officials are putting more emphasis on creating affordable housing.
  • According to the July report, so far 210 affordable housing units have been completed with another 227 under construction and 485 in pre-development.
  • Another big emphasis this year will be reaching back out to faith-based organizations that have shown an interest in coordinating homeless outreach.

Since 2018, the City of Bakersfield has been implementing phases to address our chronic homeless crisis. As Governor Gavin Newsom signs new legislation to expand housing options, the City prepares to enter it’s fourth phase of an on-going plan focused on quality of life, housing, and behavioral health.

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