Local Bakersfield WWII Veteran turns 100!

Everett Williams is celebrating his centennial with family, friends, and other local Bakersfield Veterans.

  • Everett is a WWII Veteran who is celebrating his 100th birthday..
  • His 100th birthday took place at the V-F-W post in downtown Bakersfield.
  • He flew a over Japan in a B29 bomber.


It’s hard to imagine what life was like 100 years ago, but one local World War II Veteran says, he made it through the ugly days of war to a beautiful birthday celebration.

If you ask Everett Williams, he’d tell you that he’s just a local senior who is turning 100… but he is also a World War II Veteran who told me that he didn’t think he would reach his 21st birthday.

“When I was 20 I was bombing Japan in a bomber and I thought they were going to kill me.” Williams said.

Everett was in the army Air Corp, a crew member on board a bomber, flying over japan. He flew 30 missions out of Guam but he ended his service on the island of Iwo Jima, with a shot up plane.

He made it out alive, and still has the energy nearly 80 years later to dance, eat cake, and celebrate his centennial with family and friends.

Story continues