Rise of an Empire: Champions of Swords recreates the medieval era in Bakersfield

  • A new nonprofit in Bakersfield honors history through battle.
  • Champions of Swords (COS) is a nonprofit based on historical recreation and education.
  • COS hosted their first event, Rise of an Empire.
  • They invite all to join their practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Riverwalk.


It’s the pre-17th century– a time of fight and family, glory and celebration.

Rob Childs describes the scene. “You’ve got the chivalry, you’ve got the courtly grace going on,” said Childs. “And at the same time, a little bit of the roguishness.”

That’s the environment Champions of Swords instills.

“We are a historical reenactment society that’s both educational and social,” said Panchali Mahadeviyar, the social media coordinator of Champions of Swords. “We do anything from the age of the sword with arts, sciences, and combat styles.”

Champions of Swords (COS) hosted their first event– Rise of an Empire, which drew in roughly 300 people and brought 12 vendors, such as The Silver Dragon.

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