Two young artist spread their wings and help with The Butterfly Collection

Adoniah and Kosta Hronis are 8 & 10 years old, and they painted 16 paintings for The Open Door Network. Bringing colorful paintings to an organization that helps members of the community find peace.

  • 16 new paintings added to the hallways of The Open Door Network.
  • The organization helps those who have experienced homelessness, domestic abuse, sexual abuse and more.
  • Butterflies can be a representation of domestic violence surviors


Paintings can transform a room for those facing adversity. I’m Eric J. Dockery your Bakersfield neighborhood reporter. The open-door network received 16 new pieces to help patients feel at peace.

The Open Door Network is a nonprofit that helps individuals in Kern County with multiple situations. A few of them consist of homeless, domestic violence, and sexual assault. The butterfly effect was a project to help those patients feel comfortable while in therapy.

Lauren Skidmore CEO of The Open Door Network says “Butterflies are a representation of domestic violence survivors. We have butterflies as part of a theme throughout domestic violence awareness month. Which is in October, we mentioned that to the Hronis children, and they kind of gravitated towards that symbol. It’s an inspiration symbol for clients to drift to, when they are dealing with difficult times.”

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