Shafter residents, businesses city happy with recent summer event series

As the City of Shafter prepares for its final First Friday of the summer, 23ABC speaks with community members about how the event series went and what they hope to see in the future.

  • Earlier this summer, the City of Shafter announced a new calendar of events featuring First Fridays and Farmers Markets.
  • 23ABC spoke with Ronda Martin from Gladragg’s and Brandi Root from the Shafter Recreation and Park District to get their thoughts on how the series went. From both of their unique perspectives, it was a successful experiment and they hope to see it return in the future.
  • Shafter Community Services Director, David Franz said the city is happy to see the community’s interest in the events and they look forward to garnering input from area businesses to see how the city can improve on it for next year.


As we head into the tail end of summer, the ‘Summer Fun Series’ here in Shafter is winding down, a series of first Friday and Farmers’ Market events put on by the city for the community. Talking to those who have lived in Shafter for years, and been involved in what makes the events tick, it’s been a success.

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