Social Security digitizes, removes signature requirements for several forms

( NewsNation ) — The Social Security Administration is making it easier for millions of Americans to sign and submit forms.

More than 30 forms will no longer require a physical signature, the agency announced last week . Instead, the agency will allow the documents to be signed digitally. For 13 other forms, signature requirements have been removed entirely.

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The new changes eliminate the need to mail, fax, or go into a local Social Security office.

“Across forms that Americans use most often, we’re eliminating as many pain points as possible, from helping people sign at the click of a button to reducing the need to drive or mail something in whenever possible,” Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security, said in a release.

The 30 forms that will now accept an electronic signature represent about 14 million signed forms submitted each year, the agency said.

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