7 year old Bakersfield singer wins national youth mariachi competition

Alessandra Gutierrez is a young Mariachi singer who has captivated many with her stage presence and voice.

  • Alessandra Gutierrez, a young Mariachi Singer, caught the attention of many with her stage presence and singing talent.
  • She started singing at the age of six and discovered her talent during a family trip to Guadalajara.
  • Alessandra won the 2024 National Mariachi Youth Vocalist Competition in Houston, Texas.


She started singing at the age of six during a family trip to Guadalajara.
What began as a bet between her and her father turned into a passion for music.

“My dad just bet me 100 dollars to sing with a Mariachi at Guadalajara, and that’s when I realized I could sing,” Alessandra shares.

Her talent came as a surprise to her parents and siblings, as singing was not a common trait in her family.

However, Alessandra’s love for music was undeniable.

Alessandra continued to pursue her passion by performing at restaurants and gaining popularity on TikTok.

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