Stolen ‘Thousand Flags’ trailer and flags recovered in Bakersfield

After the trailer and the flags for the Thousand Flags event was stolen earlier this month, those behind the event have found some hope. Both the trailer and flags have since been recovered.

  • The Thousand Flags event has been a Bakersfield staple for the past ten years.
  • The Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary Club faced a major setback earlier this month when the trailer containing the event’s materials was stolen.
  • But with recent community efforts, the event is back on track.


On Friday, Thousand Flags event director Denise Haynes received a call from the Bakersfield Police Department that the stolen trailer used to store all of the event’s materials had been found.

“A gentleman had brought the trailer in to do the right thing and register it,” said Haynes. “Little did he know the vehicle had been stolen.”

Thing is, though, the trailer came back empty.

Not only were the items missing, but the trailer– now back to its rightful owner– had been defaced.

“There were logos on the trailer to identify its brand. It’s a Wells Cargo trailer and there were three locations on the trailer where their logo was. And whoever stole it sanded all of that off and repainted over it,” said Haynes.

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